At Uley Primary School we use SCARF, a comprehensive programme of work for PSHE and wellbeing education.
SCARF stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship and promotes positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. It also covers all of the DfE’s statutory requirements for Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.
We use Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning to support us with our training and resourcing requirements.
2 year rolling programme for PSHE
2 year rolling programme with weekly focus
Me and My Relationships Progression
Rights and Responsibilities Progression
Relationship, Sex and Health Education
The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools from the summer term 2021. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools, however, puberty is covered in the RSE content and the DfE continues to recommend that all primary schools should have a sex education programme tailored to the age and physical and emotional maturity of the pupils.
In addition, the National Curriculum for science includes content in related areas, such as the main external body parts, the human body as it grows from birth to old age (including puberty) and reproduction in some plants and animals. At Uley School we will make links between this science work and our PSHE curriculum and all questions will be responded to in an age appropriate manner.
Please refer to Relationship, Sex and Health Education Policy
Our PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It encompasses all areas of our curriculum and forms part of our whole school ethos and values. It runs through every aspect of school life, providing children with essential life skills and knowledge to enable them to make informed decisions and choices and become healthy, confident, respectful and responsible citizens both now and in the future. Our curriculum will ensure that our children will be on their journey preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.