The Staff and Governors encourage the children to be proud of their appearance and their school. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly named.
The school uniform is available from They are contactable by e-mail at or by telephone on 01453 764320.
All Year:
- Red Sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
- Red polo shirt with/without logo
- Dark grey trousers, shorts, culottes, skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey, black, white or red tights/socks
- Sensible, practical and smart shoes/boots in black – no trainers or Crocs please
- Warm outdoor coat. Children should have a coat in school for break times during the whole of the Autumn and Spring terms.
- A change of clothes in case of accidents.
On warmer days:
- Red gingham dress
- Sensible summer sandals – black, red or white
PE Kit:
Children should have PE kit in school at all times:
- Dark coloured shorts (preferably navy)
- Red t-shirt
- Jogging bottoms
- Well-fitting trainers – Velcro or laces (or plimsolls)
- A pair of socks also for the girls as they may come to school in tights.
- A clearly named PE bag
- Please note (juniors only) that on your child’s PE days, children are to come to school wearing their PE kits. Please see class newsletters.
PE kits will be sent home at the end of each term for checking and for a wash! Please ensure all kit is named and return named PE kits at the start of each new term.
For Health and Safety reasons long hair should be tied back, at all times.
The following are unsuitable for school:
- Torn or scruffy clothes
- Jeans
- Shoes with a heel of more than 3cm/Crocs/trainers
- Jewellery (other than a watch and single set of ear studs)
- Make-up and nail varnish
- Transfers or tattoos
- Mid-drifts on display - school uniform or PE kit
We recognise that many children have their ears pierced but ask that they only wear studs. Other forms of jewellery are not permitted in school unless it is for medical or religious reasons. Children will be asked to remove any jewellery (including earrings) that do not follow these guidelines. For some PE lessons, children wearing studs may be asked to cover these with tape.
Second Hand Uniform
Friends of Uley School love helping parents save time and money, and love recycling too! Parents can buy logo uniform for £1 per item, other items are free! Please refer to the Friends of Uley School website Second hand uniform - Friends of Uley School to see what is currently have in stock, and email to request any items.
Donations of all types of used uniform are always welcome (especially items with the school logo). Parents can bring uniform donations into school and drop it in the grey bin in the school reception.