
Safeguarding Children

Uley C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the health and welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We strive to create a nurturing and trusting environment where children and young people feel safe and secure and, one that enables them to develop, learn, grow and flourish.


Designated Safeguarding Leads – Zoe Mandeville, Laura Davies and Abby Spain


Staff with Designated Safeguarding Lead Responsibilities: 

Hannah Kordula 

Lisa Hills


Governors with safeguarding responsibility –Martin Bragg and Mark Easy


Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility.  If you have concerns about a child's welfare, then please speak to a member of staff or contact any of the numbers below.


Out of school hours contact numbers:

If you are worried or concerned about anyone under 18 who you think is being abused or neglected, or that a child and their family need help and support, please contact the  Gloucestershire Children and Families Front Door which is open from 9am to 5pm:

Telephone: 01452 426565

If you have concerns about the immediate safety of the child or you believe a serious criminal offence has been committed please contact the Police at any time on 101.

In an emergency, always dial 999


Please take a look at our comprehensive Safeguarding Policies:

More information about keeping children safe online can be found under 'Online Safety' by following The Curriculum and Beyond link.
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