

Having access to software and programs forms a part of the ethos of our scheme as we want to develop pupils’ confidence when encountering new technology, which is a vital skill in the ever evolving and changing landscape of technology. Through our curriculum, we intend for pupils not only to be digitally competent and have a range of transferable skills at a suitable level for the future workplace, but also to be responsible online citizens.



Computing Rolling Programme

Computing Curriculum Infants

Computing Curriculum Juniors

Computing Progression



Our curriculum aims to expand the children’s knowledge and their understanding of the role technology has in school and around the world. Learners will develop a respect for technology and its uses, know how to use technology safely, develop their problem-solving skills through enquiry and hopefully develop a love of computing. Our curriculum has been structured to demonstrate a progression of knowledge and skills and ensures that children can build on their understanding, as each new concept and skill is taught with opportunities for children to revisit skills and knowledge as they progress through the school.

Teachers complete on the spot assessment, assessing through observation of work on tasks and contributions to class and peer discussions. Progress is tracked and monitored using the purple mash tracking tool. We believe that when assessing computing it is important to look for evidence of knowledge of understanding as well as technical skills, focusing more on the process than the end product.


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